What's the connection between arthritis and bones?

The flat bones are located in the skull (occipital and nasal, frontal and, the lacrimal and vomer) as well as the chest (sternum, the ribs and the sternum), and the pelvis(ilium pubis, ischium, and ilium). The flat bones shield internal organs such as the heart, brain, and organs in the pelvis. Flat bones can be flattened and provide protection, like the shield of a shield. Flat bones can also offer huge spaces of attachment for muscles.

The femur (the most massive bone in our body) and the small bones of the fingers are among the largest bones. Long bones function to assist in supporting the weight of the body and aid in mobility. The appendicular bone skeleton is the mainstay of the long bones. These are the phalanges and the radius, ulna , and metacarpals in the lower limbs, as well as the tibia and fibula in the femur.

Irregular bones are unique in their form and structure. They are not a part belonging to any other category (flat or long, short or or sesamoid). These bones typically have complicated forms, which shield internal organs. The spinal cord is protected, for instance, by the vertebrae. Click here Organs located in the pelvic cavity are protected by pelvis bones which are not as straight (pubis, Ilium, and Ischium).

Sesamoid bones are bone fragments that are embedded in the tendons. These small, round bone structures are common in the tendons at the hands, knees and feet. These bones protect the tendons from wear and stress. Sesamoid bones include the patella (also called the kneecap).


Though often viewed as a static structure The skeletal system is actually a living organ with many functions, including creating our human form, allowing locomotion and motor function, as well as facilitating respiration as well as protecting organs that are vital, producing marrow-derived cells, and playing a crucial role in Read More homeostasis.

Bones, which are dynamic structures they are constantly changing and changing in response to the ever-changing world. In fact, there is so much movement that, in four years' time, the bone structure of a young person will be completely new contrasted to their current skeleton

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